Guidance, training, qualification courses


The Department of Human and Social Sciences organises, in continuity with similar services provided by the University, guidance and placement activities aimed at providing the various actors (students, families, teachers, social and educational operators in the area) with diversified activities, articulated in three successive steps (Guidance for new students ongoing orientation, and post-course guidance), for sharing, reflection and gaining experience for their future educational and/or work choice.

Guidance for new students

The activities are mainly aimed at secondary school students and their families, offering them the opportunity to check out the Department's educational offerings, meet the lecturers, receive direct information and learn about the professional outlets of the courses of study together with the new placement services.

To this end, dedicated Open Days are organised to meet secondary school students and their families.

In addition, the S.o.f.i.a  (University Orientation and Entry Training Service) desk is open, where a team  of guidance counsellors (psychologists and educationalists) from the Department meets the students in Classes IV and V who wish information on the prospect of embarking on a university training pathway in the field of educational sciences and/or psychology. The service can be accessed by contacting the guidance counsellor by e-mail.

Ongoing orientation

In this context, the orientation initiatives are aimed at students who have started their university career and are designed to guide them in drawing up their study plan and in choosing their internship activities, which are an important part of their training. Consistent with the objectives set at University level, the aim of the ongoing orientation service is to bring the university world and the world of work closer together, so that they can interact effectively to promote an education that takes into account the needs of the labour market, but also the potential of the student.

T.O.P. - Peer to Peer Guidance Tutor

The Peer to Peer Guidance Tutor (T.O.P.) service is run by student* tutors from the final years of the Second cycle, single-cycle and PhD degree courses of the Department of Human and Social Sciences, who are ready to solve any problems the students* may have during their university career, from a peer-to-peer perspective. They do this by making available the experience they have gained during their years of study at the University of Bergamo, under the supervision of the guidance counsellors in the Department of HSS.

The T.O.P. working group will also offer several information days on university services and the university study pathway.  

The service is aimed at students who feel the need to be supported and accompanied on their academic path; they can contact the T.O.P. Service whenever they have questions that cannot be answered and/or to discuss their study path.

In particular, the T.O.P. service aims to:

  • raise awareness of the university, its services and facilities, in order to promote a sense of belonging and so create a learning community;
  • organise meetings to reflect on the study method, exam planning and preparation of the final paper/thesis;
  • provide support in identifying a second cycle degree pathway that meets the interests of the student*.

For each activity, you can receive individual support by contacting the T.O.P. tutors on the Moodle T.O.P.  peer-to-peer guidance tutor page, where you will find the contact details of your course tutor, their office hours and calendar of events. 

Post-course guidance

This includes specific placementactivities, the purpose of which is to facilitate students' post-university transition towards the labour market. The placement service provides students with its databases and its dense network of territorial relations, with the aim of offering internship and professional training opportunities through which students can put to the test in the world of work the skills they have acquired during their university training.

Glances into the future. For an educational ecosystem, inside and outside the University

Glances into the future. For an educational ecosystem, inside and outside the University is a departmental project offering guidance for students about to graduate in academic year 2022-23. It aims to provide students of the Courses in Educational Sciences, Pedagogical Sciences, Psychological Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Motor and Sport Sciences, and Primary Education Sciences with the opportunity to meet highly qualified personalities from a professional point of view, as well as to get to know innovative and significant projects in the various fields of interest of the different courses, including schools, socio-educational services, psychological intervention services, vocational training, pedagogical counselling, active policies for work and training, occupational welfare, health promotion.
The project therefore offers students on the courses of study in the Department of Human and Social Sciences a post-course guidance course on the professions of pedagogist, educator, trainer, teacher, psychologist.

Training seminars

The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences training seminars are divided into two types:

These are meetings with representatives of public/private institutions and representative bodies of local, regional and national social welfare, where speakers discuss the characteristics of professional profiles and environments of interest to future graduates in one of the Department's study course subjects.

These are in-depth meetings on topics and objects of study specific to the Department's courses of study, addressed by experts in the field, both internal and external to the University.