Internships & Placements

HSS placement office - Placement Project (DUL work and Youth Guarantee)

Since 2016, a Job Orientation Service dedicated to all graduates of the Department of Human and Social Sciences has been piloted.

The aim is to accompany old and new first and second cycle degree graduates from the various courses of study in the transition from university to the world of work, right up to job placement.  All the more so if they are unemployed.

Recent graduates can make use of the following services:

  • basic services: reception and access to services, specialist interview, definition of the careers guidance
  • pathway: skills assessment, creation of support networks, careers support and training for actively seeking employment, ongoing accompaniment
  • skills consolidation: coaching, training services (master's degree, postgraduate courses, specialisation courses), tutoring and accompaniment for apprenticeships, tutoring and accompaniment for on-the-job training, skills certification
  • support for job placement and induction to work: extracurricular traineeships, Level I, II, III apprenticeship contracts, community service, fixed-term and open-ended employment contracts
  • other interventions: services for self-employment, incentives, allowances, service vouchers, employment aid (for the hiring company), support for people with disabilities, etc.

Through the Service it is possible to take advantage of the active labour policy programmes of the Lombardy Region. The measures make economic resources available for the development and implementation of interventions that favour insertion in the labour market through specific pathways:

  • specific training (including Level I and II university master's degree courses)
  • job support (extracurricular traineeships, Level I, II, III apprenticeship contracts, community service)
  • support for self-employment
  • professional mobility within the national territory or in EU countries.
Level III apprenticeship

Starting from a.y. 2017/2018, the Department of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Bergamo activated 5 training paths aimed at enabling students to complete the three-year degree in Educational Sciences during an apprenticeship.

According to the memorandums of understanding signed by the university and the cooperatives, these young people can integrate study and work by following a customised training plan indicating the teaching activities to be carried out at the university and the tasks to be tackled in the work context, in order to develop the skills expected at the end of the course.

The apprentices are accompanied by an academic and a business tutor. The former designs the study plan together with the students, choosing the best teaching methods. The latter assists them during their training experience in the company, while facilitating their integration into the work environment.

Level III apprenticeships can also be used to obtain a PhD in Personal Training and the Labour Market.

In the 2018/2019 academic year, 11 apprenticeship contracts were activated.