Human values, such as kindness, achievement, curiosity, and compassion are at the core of primary school curricula worldwide (e.g., OECD, 2019; Council of Europe, 2016). However, there is very little research on how values are actually transmitted in the school context: in the micro-context of the classroom, the meso-context of the school, and the macro-context of the country. Grounded in Schwartz’s (1992) circular model of human values, we are currently exploring these processes in our VALues in School Education (VALISE) research projects, which over 1,200 pupils in Switzerland and over 500 pupils in the United Kingdom have participated in, along with their teachers. This seminar will discuss findings from the VALISE project and beyond, showing how values are reflected in school curricula, how teachers are transmitting values in their everyday teaching activities, and how values are key in the school climate. Most importantly, we will present what children find important in their lives and how they act on their values
Anna K. Doering University of Westminster, School of Social Sciences; Visiting Professor, Università degli studi di Bergamo
Values in primary school education The interplay of children’s values, teacher’s educational goals, the school climate, and the curriculum
Introduce: Daniela Barni.